Our expert design engineers, drafters & fabricators deliver the best possible solutions. Industrial environments require well-designed and properly installed piping systems.…
We produce LPS drawing for industrial buildings as per customers requirement, concerning different standards i.e. BNBC, NFPA-780, NF C 17 102. In addition to this we design and…
We provide Safety Assessment for Electrical as per standard to prevent electric shock or other injuries resulting from either direct or indirect electrical contact when work is…
A fire detection system uses a smoke detector to detect a fire before it actually starts. An effective fire detection system eliminates damage by ensuring that a fire can be…
Novelty provides a complete system that includes, engineering, supply, installation, programming and commissioning of Building Management System and CCTV System. CCTV (Closed-…
Surveying is important and most of us depend on it so as to ensure order in the physical world around us. Surveyors play an integral role in land development, from the planning…